Postmenopausal Intimacy

When I invented She Pak, I had vaginitis in mind, since that was the kind of discomfort that I was experiencing. As I started sharing my idea with other women, the older women I knew spoke up about the challenges that they were having being intimate while being postmenopausal. Some of them thought that She Pak might help with this problem, too. I had no idea what this age group went through and a whole world opened up to me. I discovered, what you may already know, is that with the decline in estrogen, the vaginal tissues change in structure and function. A lot! And these changes lead to pain, itching, burning, and even some bleeding.

Again, I am not the expert so I will quote The North American Menopause Society (link to the page on their website listed below). “During perimenopause, less estrogen may cause the tissues of the vulva and the lining of the vagina to become thinner, drier, and less elastic or flexible—a condition known as “vulvovaginal atrophy” (see figure using the link below). Vaginal secretions are reduced, resulting in decreased lubrication. Reduced levels of estrogen also result in an increase in vaginal pH, which makes the vagina less acidic, just as it was before puberty.” All that happens without having any sex.

Here’s what they say about intercourse on the same page (link listed above)! “When a woman doesn’t have intercourse or other vaginal sexual activity on a regular basis following menopause, her vagina may also become shorter and narrower. Then, when she does try to have intercourse, she is likely to experience pain, even if she uses a lubricant. That’s because dry, fragile vulvovaginal tissues are susceptible to injury, tearing, and bleeding during intercourse or any penetration of the vagina. The resulting discomfort can be so great that the woman avoids intercourse and the condition worsens. Sometimes, even women who are not sexually active are bothered by vaginal dryness and the irritation that may accompany it. Continuing to have regular vaginal sexual activity through menopause helps keep the vaginal tissues thick and moist and maintains the vagina’s length and width. This helps keep sexual activity pleasurable.”

Then I understood why the postmenopausal women were suggesting She Pak could help! All the symptoms above are associated with inflammation from damage. Why not try icing this area to decrease inflammation and heal faster?

Many of my prototype users were postmenopausal. One woman told me that she would regularly have sharp pain with urination the next morning after being intimate with her beloved husband, but since using She Pak right after intimacy, it does not happen. It is gone! She also reported feeling like she healed faster and wanted to be with her husband sooner. She wasn’t the only woman to note that. What used to take 2-3 weeks for my prototype users to be ready to be intimate, is now taking 2-3 days. What a dramatic difference!

Of course, results will vary from woman to woman, and I can’t claim proof that She Pak heals women faster (yet), beyond normal results expected from icing damaged tissues. But I can share what women have said, and my own experiences.

Men have had enjoyed a quality of life difference with intimacy with the advent of Viagra and Cialis. Now it’s time for She Pak and other treatments to help women enjoy healthy sex lives into their senior years.

She Pak is a non-pharmaceutical option for relief for postmenopausal intimacy issues. Consider using She Pak to help you recover from intimate activity, both right after sex and in the days to follow. You can experience relief from your symptoms immediately, but may also find that you have healed and want to have sex sooner!

While She Pak is a non-prescription product, please remember to consult your OB/Gyn professional if you have any specific concerns to you.


Vaginal Delivery


Post-surgical Recovery